Follow Friday & Book Blogger Hop (19)

Dec 03, 2010 by Kt Clapsadl

Book Blogger HopOn fridays I participate in both Follow Friday and the Book Blogger Hop.

Follow Fridays is hosted by Parajunkee's View, and is just Fridays.

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy-for-Books, and runs Friday to Monday. There are new rules for the hop, so make sure to check out Crazy for Books for the details.

This week's question from Crazy for Books:

What very popular and hyped book in the blogosphere did you NOT enjoy and how did you feel about posting your review?

Hmm, that is a really tough question, as I cannot think of any books that would apply. I don't typically read overly hyped books, unless it is from an author that I already love. I guess this idea could be applied to the Hunger Games trilogy. I was extremely hesitant to read and review it as I felt the blogosphere was completely bogged down with stuff about it. Well, then I read the books, and I LOVED them. So, even though I think everything was so saturated with stuff about those books, I had to add my own two cents as well.

As far as negative reviews, I don't write them, plain and simple. I'm honest in my reviews, but if I can't honestly give a book at least a 3/5 rating, I won't write a review. My reasoning is that I would never want to cost an author a potential sale, because everyone has different tastes. Just because I didn't like a book doesn't mean someone else wouldn't, and my negative review could potentially discourage someone from buying a book. I just don't think that is fair, so as I've said before, you will only see books that I can honestly rate positively on this blog.

This week's question from Parajunkee:

What do you do besides reading / reviewing as a hobby??

Ha! Between being a wife, and a mother to two toddlers, and finishing my degree, I have no time. Reading and this blog takes up all of the non-existent spare time that I have. I haven't been able to read/review near as much as a I would like in the past few weeks as it is finals time. However, hopefully things will ease up in the next few weeks. Translation: I'm a dreamer ;)


  1. Hopping through. I was really hesitant about Hunger Games too once it got super hyped. I actually read the first book before it was way popular and loved it. It took me two years before I read #2 and 3. Loved #2. Liked #3.
    My Hop

  2. So far I haven't experienced that kind of situation so I can't say. But I guess I would still post my review ...

  3. Hi,
    Yay! It's Friday! I'm so glad for the week to be over maybe now I can get some reading time in. I'm stopping by for the Blog Hop and Follow Friday. I hope you have a awesome weekend!

    I'm an old follower. =)

    Romance Book Junkies

  4. Hey, stopping by for the hop! I was hesitant about starting Hunger Games as well, had them shoved on me by a friend and as it turned out, I adored them as well. Though not Mockingjay, sadly. I am happy to share negative reviews if I've not enjoyed a book, but I can completely see your reasoning!

  5. I haven't tried out the Hunger trilogy yet. Not sure when I will get to it. I'm a new follower! My Hop is at Coffee Table Press

  6. New follower to your blog!
    Keep up the good work.
    Care to follow me back?
    Happy Blogging!

  7. The Hunger Games is a series I've really been avoiding because of the hype. Plus I'm just not sure it appeals to me anyway.

    I don't mind reading negative reviews because it gives me another perspective on a book that I might not have seen otherwise.

  8. HI,
    I am a new follower. I agree with what you said about the negative reviews, I just wrote a post about this too. There are so many great books to review!

  9. Hey! I followed you over from Parajunkees blog hop!


  10. I was lucky enough to jump on the Hunger Games bandwagon before it hit prime-time so I didn't have to deal with any hype stuff heh~~ I did love it so it was win all around.

    Stopping by from Follow Friday and am your newest follower~~

    Sniffly Kitty
    Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books

  11. I'm your newest follower! I followed you here from the hop. I hear you about costing an author a sale. I figure that a publisher has gone to the trouble of printing the book, so someone will probably like it. I'll just keep my mouth shut and say nothing! Drop by and say hi!

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I don't know how with two toddlers and school you even have time to read, that you run a blog as well is very impressive:) Have a fabulous weekend!

  13. Congratulations, Hale & Salvatore Supernatural Must Reads has awarded your book blog with "The Versatile Blogger Award".

    Click the link to view the award:

  14. Reviews should remain honest regardless of what is written and how it sounds like and this just shows that loving or liking a book really depends on a person preference and type. that's why we have a wider range of genres and authors to choose from.

    Dropping by via the hop. I would love to see you over at Clandestine Sanctuary and read my answer to this question. I am an old follower.

    Have a great weekend!

  15. Just hopping through! Your blog is so pretty! I'm a new follower =]
    I do write negative reviews, but I make sure I point out the good bits, because there must be something in it that was good... Well, I think so. And I always make it clear that that was just my opinion, so you should go and see for yourself =]

    Have a nice weekend! =]

  16. Happy HOP! I know it's a harsh word but I hate The Hollow :( I also hard a time with the Bree Tanner novella because I saw it solely as a cash making release with little substance. I really don't like it when I struggle with books because I'm usually so easy to please :)
    Come by and visit The Bookish Snob. Enjoy your weekend !

  17. Hi!
    I'm hoppin on over, thanks for stopping by! I'm returning the love =) New follower
    Have a great weekend & happy reading!

  18. Hi! I'm your newest follower from a weekend blog hop! I would love to have you follow back at one or all four of my blogs :)

    Thank you! Have a wonderful week!


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